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The first page of my blog.

I shall devote this page at the lotus feet of my parents, teachers, motivators, guides, friends and gurus who uplifted me in my life.

The blank page has immense possibilities with in, one can express their happiness, share joy, can go mathematical or show verbal ecstasy in it. So is our life and it is a blessing of my parents, teachers, motivators, guides, friends and gurus who uplifted me in my life.

Its with the support and love of other living beings this man is able to live well on this planet.

There are certain people who direct us to the source of righteous knowledge in us.

” To exist is to co-exist ” – said by his holiness swami bhodhananda saraswathi maharaj, founder of sambodh foundation.

So let us co exist on this planet and let us respect the people who shows the righteous path of coexistence on this planet.

2 thoughts on “This page is intentionally kept blank

  1. Congratulations on the new initiative. I understand that you were able to distinguish between the different mediums now available for one to reach out and express oneself. Each of them has different natures and different​ targets. I look forward to how you make use of the present one for your on fulfilment.

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